Apologetics Class
January 22 - March 11 (no class February 19)

On January 22, we will begin a class on Christian Apologetics. The word “apologetics” comes from the Greek word apologia, which can be translated as “defense” or “vindication.” Put simply, Christian Apologetics is about defending the Christian faith.
But why do we need to defend the Christian faith? From the day Jesus rose from the dead there have been skeptics, and believers have had to defend what they believe. Paul was an apologist. Peter was an apologist. The rest of the disciples and the early church leaders were apologists. And now it is our turn. Our culture is becoming more secularized, skeptics are becoming more emboldened, and the Christian faith is facing ever-increasing scrutiny. It has gotten to the point where it is difficult to even bring up your faith in a secular setting without getting pushback.
What is a follower of Christ to do? Deny the problem? Get angry and lash out? Isolate from the culture? No! Followers of Christ are called to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We need to engage the culture, and to do so effectively, we must be equipped and prepared to deal with tough questions when they arise.
During the class, we will discuss a number of different questions, such as:

  • Why do we need to be “apologetic” about our faith?

  • Is the Bible reliable and true?

  • Does the God of the Bible exist?

  • Did Jesus really exist?

  • Was/is Jesus God?

  • Why is Jesus the only way to heaven?

  • If God is loving, then why is there so much violence in the Old Testament?

  • How can a gracious and merciful God send people to hell?

  • If God is all good and all powerful, how can there be evil and suffering in the world?

We won’t be able to provide every answer to every question. But we hope to help you work through your own doubts, strengthen your faith, and equip you to engage the culture.

The cost of the class is $20/person and includes the book, “The Case for Faith” by Lee Strobel. If you are planning to attend, please sign up above by January 15, so we can order books.

Class is scheduled to run from January 22 - March 11. There will be no class on February 19.