Life Groups - Looking for a small-group connection? Life Groups are forming now. Sign up here to learn more.

Hillside Life Groups

A place to belong, engage, and live your faith in authentic relationships.

Life Groups

We need each other. We weren’t meant to do this life alone. There are so many benefits when you pursue relationship and commit to each other. Things won’t happen by themselves, you need to pursue, take initiative and encourage others to do the same and meet regularly. Too often you aren’t able to really connect on a Sunday morning, this is why we need to do life throughout the week, share in meals, celebrate birthdays, play at the park, pray together, study the Bible together, worship together, discuss and serve together. To find a group, please fill out the form below and you will be contacted with a possible group to join.

What makes a healthy Life Group?

  • Authentic relationships - unity, trust

  • Safe and predictable times together

  • Doing life together - eat, play, share in life’s ups and downs

  • On mission together. Pursue Christ - dig into the Word together, worship together, pray together

  • Growth - healthy families grow, so does the family of God.  Seasons change - welcome and embrace the growth.

What do Life Groups look like?

Life Groups meet 2-4 times a month depending on the group.  We generally meet in homes

Each Life Group has its own personality.  Generally they are multigenerational.  If musicians are present, some groups incorporate times of worship.  

A typical meeting normally includes

  • A time to socialize (often with food)

  • A presentation of content (last week’s sermon, book study, video series) with discussion facilitated by the Life Group leader

  • A time of sharing and prayer

  • Then probably more snacks and fellowship 😃

We encourage living life together.  Work, serve, play, seek God, eat together.  An average month/ quarter may include a night where you just have a meal together, celebrate birthdays, maybe serve together in the community, or go for a hike.  These special times really compliment the regular meeting times

What do Life Groups study?

As a leadership we put a lot of attention and discernment into where we go on Sundays as a community.  Often times we don’t have the ability to chew on and digest it.  Life Groups are a great place to refresh what has been presented on Sunday - to pray through and apply to our everyday walks.  There is room for a specific group feeling challenged to go through an individual study but for safety we discuss and agree upon the content as a leadership for those types of studies.

Is there accountability?

Safety/ Accountability

  • It’s important these places are safe for each person that attends.  If you are ever not comfortable please chat with the Life Group Leader.  Life Group leaders are accountable to Hillside leadership.  This is the benefit of staying under the covering.  Safety, accountability, growth, strength and fun when going head to head in small group competitions.

How do I form a group or become a leader?


  • We ask that the leaders of the group are members of Hillside Community Church - as a leader you are the point person to connect to Hillside Leadership.  Facilitating the group can be shared in many creative ways.

  • We have regular times where our leadership meet together for training, prayer, direction and to discuss upcoming events.

  • Hillside Elder Oversight

How do groups form?

  • Interest is gathered periodically to see who is interested and where the group would meet.   Generally groups are assumed to be closed unless the group has decided they are open to adding other folks to their group.  Please sign up if interested and you will be contacted about options to join or start a group.